Thank you for visiting my page!

Unless I am blogging about a life changing event most of my blogs will be a bunch or rambling about my daily life and horses =D

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Ohhh what a weekend....

I spent most of my weekend at the vets since my lovely dog Monki ate her precious hippo toy. Thankfully she pooped today and is back to normal! Just a warning for all the pet owners out there...
- dont wait to see what happens. Always go straight to the vet
- watch out for the frogs!!! It's frog season and no matter how smart your dog is they will take a chance and give a kiss to a poisioness frog and end up very sick or even worse...
- keep walks in the cool parts of the day and remember just because you can't feel the ground doesn't mean it's not burning your puppies feet!

I hope everyone is enjoying there summer
Until next time...
Goodnight xoxo Lexi, Chamonix, and monki